What the fuck!
The Crazy band release their Best Album at 3/3!!
And I don't know anything about this information at all ~ GOD!!!!!!
No matter what~This is a good news and the collection of songs are pretty great~
So, maybe I'll buy this best album as my first NoGoD music-work!
The tracklist is as follows:
Disc 1
01. Strawberry Night
02. 罪罰エゴイスト (Tsumibatsu Egoist)
03. 約束の地 (Yakusoku no Chi)
04. アトリア (Atria)
05. 絶色 (Zesshoku)
06. 輪廻天昇 (Rinnetenshou)
07. 導 (Michi)
08. 最高の世界 (Saikou no Sekai)
09. 君に贈る不器用で身勝手な詩 (Kimi ni Okuru Bukiyou de Migatte na Uta)
11. 万黒深層大サァカス (Bankuro Shinsou Dai Circus)
12. 愚蓮 (LIVE REC) (Guren)
13. 激烈叫喚乱痴気教 (LIVE REC) (Gekiretsu Kyoukan Ranchikikyou)
Disc 2
01. ノーゴッド (No God)
02. 紫斑 (Shihan)
03. さようならありがとう (Sayonara Arigatou)
04. 翼 (Tsubasa)
05. 破天乃獅子 (Bateren no Shishi)
06. 唯一歌 (Yuiitsu Uta)
07. 夢見少女 (Yumemi Shoujo)
08. 祝福の唄 (Shukufuku no Uta)
09. 彩白 (Iroha)
10. この世界に見放されても (Kono Sekai ni Mihanasaretemo)
11. 夢の続き (Yume no Tsuzuki)
12. 極彩色 (Gokusaishiki)