目前分類:◆ Iron Maiden (4)

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懶得多介紹了,反正就是主唱Bruce Dickinson先生自己開著波音客機(超屌,飛機上還有艾迪吉祥物耶!)
666 的dvd 終於要在台灣發行了,期待這張作品能讓我重溫rock in rio的熱血沸騰阿!

專輯名稱: 魔鬼航班666:毀滅地表巡迴紀實【限量豪華PAL 2DVD】
專輯名稱: Flight 666: The Film【限量豪華PAL 2DVD】
發行日期: 2009-06-19
產品編號: 50999 698141 98
產品類型: DVD
音樂類型: DVD影音發行

◎ 感官沸騰、最威、超猛,歡迎搭乘魔鬼航班666!一同加入地表上最殺樂團巡迴全紀實
◎ 搖滾史上空前絕後創舉,主唱Bruce Dickinson親自駕駛魔鬼航班Flight 666跨越整個地球
◎ 1080個小時、七萬公里的飛行、13個國家、23場萬頭鑽動的演唱會、50萬朝聖膜拜的樂迷
◎ 英倫重金屬新浪潮帝國唯一全勝軍團,全球銷量超越7500萬傲人紀錄保持人
◎ 葛萊美獎兩度提名、勇奪2009全英音樂獎「最佳現場演出團體Best British Live Act」
◎ 限量豪華PAL 2DVD,雙碟DVD完整收錄紀錄片電影【魔鬼航班666】以及取景自16個國家、集結而成的「Somewhere Back in Time World Tour」現場演唱會,並獨家加贈30頁豪華紀念寫真

自從1975年聖誕節的那一天開始,來自大不列顛的「鐵娘子樂團Iron Maiden」,很諷刺地在上帝之子誕生日,以重金屬鬥魂為血脈,化身成搖滾魔鬼,席捲全球樂壇超越三十個年頭!Iron Maiden不僅是開啟英倫重金屬新浪潮時代的頭號霸主,當時更成功帶領Saxon、Diamond Head、Demon等一幫搖滾鐵血好漢,在國際舞台大鳴大放,甚至影響之後整個歐洲金屬樂界的起伏變化。這個來自大不列顛的重金屬唯一全勝軍團,以超凡的號召力及滿載的感染力,不僅和Black Sabbath、Led Zeppelin等經典樂團驕傲齊名,在全球創下銷量超越7500萬張的傲人紀錄,更獲得葛萊美獎最佳金屬搖滾演出藝人「Best Metal Performance」兩度提名,並在今年拿下2009最新出爐,全英音樂獎「最佳現場演出團體Best British Live Act」的頭銜。穿透力宛如地表爆炸瞬間的金屬樂,在演唱現場的感受當中的暢快感受,絕對是錄音室版本的一般專輯所無法比擬的!而Iron Maiden的現場演出攝人魅力,更是所有搖滾子民必定朝聖膜拜的盛大祭典。

「666」,有人稱這三個連續排列的阿拉伯數字為「魔鬼數字」、「缺憾數字」或是「獸名數目」,將它和隱藏著反基督名字的密碼劃上等號,甚至有傳言希特勒的姓—Hitler,解碼加起來之後就等於「666」。身為金屬魔鬼代言人的Iron Maiden,在2008的全球巡迴「Somewhere Back In Time World Tour」當中,完成了一個搖滾史上空前絕後的創舉。主唱Bruce Dickinson親自駕駛畫有Iron Maiden圖騰的專機,並將這架專機命名為「魔鬼航班Flight 666」,帶著所有團員、工作人員跨越整個地球,進行了一系列超屌的巡迴演唱。而就在演唱巡迴的同時,Iron Maiden找來合作默契十足的金屬搖滾宗師Kevin Shirley(Journey、Rush、Led Zeppelin、Dream Theater),以影像紀錄共同完整呈現Iron Maiden在2008全球巡演「Somewhere Back in Time World Tour」當中的所有動人時刻,製作出一部紀錄片形式的電影【魔鬼航班666 Flight 666】。從2009年4月21號開始,這部重金屬記錄片電影【魔鬼航班666】,便開始在全球42個國家的數位電影院全力放送,記錄著從澳洲雪梨、日本東京、印度孟買、美國洛城、墨西哥城、一路到阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯,多達13個國家、連續1080個小時、七萬公里的飛行、23場萬頭鑽動的演唱會、50萬朝聖膜拜的樂迷。

在《魔鬼航班666》的飛行途中,無論是加入英國首相邱吉爾振奮人心的演說的〈Aces High〉、早已談論末日警鐘議題的〈2 Minutes To Midnight〉、英國金榜季軍單曲〈Can I Play with Madness〉、被後輩大量翻唱的〈Hallowed Be Thy Name〉、自傳性單曲「Iron Maiden〉、入選VH1史上最佳金屬歌曲Top 7的〈The Number of the Beast〉、次世代娛樂主機強勢遊戲Guitar Hero示範曲〈The Trooper〉…等Iron Maiden經典歌曲,全都塞爆客滿。

而在這張【限量豪華PAL 2DVD】中,不但兩片DVD完整收錄這部紀錄片電影【魔鬼航班666】,同時也取景自16個國家的演出菁華、集結而成撼動人心的「Somewhere Back in Time World Tour」現場演唱會!此外,此限量版本,更獨家附贈多達30頁的豪華紀念寫真!歡迎搭乘《魔鬼航班666》!感官沸騰、最威、超猛,一同加入地表上最殺樂團巡迴全紀實。

◎ 全球官網 http://www.ironmaiden.com
◎ 「另立X世代」發行部落格 http://blog.roodo.com/emixe

影片格式:PAL、Disc Format 5/9
聲音格式:Dolby Surround、DTS


DVD 1 (Appox. 113mins.)
Iron Maiden - Flight 666
The Film

DVD 2 (Approx. 102mins)
The Whole Set Live
With A Track Filmed In Each Of 16 Different Cities

01. Churchill's Speech / Aces High (Live In Mumbai 1/2/08)
02. 2 Minutes To Midnight (Live In Melbourne 7/2/08)
03. Revelations (Live In Sydney 9/2/08)
04. The Trooper (Live In Tokyo 16/2/08)
05. Wasted Years (Live In Monterrey 22/2/08)
06. The Number Of The Beast (Live In Los Angeles 19/2/08)
07. Can I Play With Madness (Live In Mexico City 24/2/08)
08. Rime Of The Ancient Mariner (Live In New Jersey 14/3/08)
09. Powerslave (Live In San Jose 26/2/08)
10. Heaven Can Wait (Live In Sao Paulo 2/3/08)
11. Run To The Hills (Live In Bogota 28/2/08)
12. Fear Of The Dark (Live In Buenos Aires 7/3/08)
13. Iron Maiden (Live In Santiago 9/3/08)
14. Moonchild (Live In San Juan 12/3/08)
15. The Clairvoyant (Live In Curitiba 4/3/08)
16. Hallowed Be Thy Name (Live In Toronto 16/3/08)

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將 "Iron Maiden" 的專輯封面齊聚一堂,那畫面一定很壯觀
那麼多吉祥物 "Eddie" 會讓你看到眼睛花掉吧!
但不管怎麼說,這個英國的猛咖在搖滾史也算的上是 "NWOBHM" 重要的樂團之一了
我永遠記得年紀還小的時候,穿著制服在火車站玫瑰試聽 "鐵娘子" 時,店員跟我說的一句話:

"一個團三把吉他要怎麼編?簡單!就像 Iron Maiden 那樣編就對了啦!"

PS.以我發瘋的程度來看,下一發 "megadeth" 的骷髏頭殭屍大全集應該近期就會出現!哈哈~


1980.Iron Maiden (專輯)
1981.Killers (專輯)
1982.The Number of the Beast (專輯)
1983.Piece of Mind (專輯)
1984.Powerslave (專輯)
1985.Live After Death (Live)
1986.Somewhere in Time (專輯)
1988.Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (專輯)
1990.No Prayer for the Dying (專輯)
1990.The First Ten Years (10 CD 精選)
1992.Fear of the Dark (專輯)
1992.Live At Donington (Live)
1995.The X Factor (專輯)
1996.Best Of The Beast (2 CD 精選)
1998.Virtual XI (專輯)
1998.A Real Live Dead One (2CD Live)
1999.Ed Hunter (2 CD 精選)
2000.Brave New World (專輯)
2002.Eddie's Archive (3 CD 精選)
2002.Edward the Great (2 CD 精選)
2002.Rock In Rio (Live)
2003.Dance of Death (專輯)
2005.The Essential Iron Maiden (2 CD 精選)
2005.Death On The Road (Live)
2006.A Matter of Life and Death (專輯)
2008.Somewhere Back in Time - The Best of 1980-1989 (精選)

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由左至右三把超讚電吉他:Dave Murray,Janick Gers, Adrian Smith

這裡要大家推薦的是他們在巴西首都里約熱內盧Rio的超HIGH 演唱會實況

Blood Brother 現場影音

The Clansman

詞曲:[Steve Harris]

Wake alone in the hills, With the wind in your face
It feels good to be proud, And be free and a race
That is part of a clan, And to live on highlands
And the air that you breathe, So pure and so clean

When alone on the hills, With the wind in your hair
With a longing to feel, Just to be free

It is right to believe, In the need to be free
It's a time when you die, And without asking why
Can't you see what they do, They are grinding us down
They are taking our land, That belongs to the clans

Not alone with a dream, Just a want to be free
With a need to belong, I am a clansman...Freedom

It's a time wrough with fear, It's a land wrough with change
Ancestors could hear, What is happening now
They would turn in their graves, They would all be ashamed
That the land of the free, Has been written in chains

And I know what I want, When is timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine, I am the clansman

And I swear to defend, And we'll fight to the end
And I swear that I'll never, Be taken alive
And I know that we'll stand, And we'll fight for our land
And I swear that my bairns, Will be born free

And I know what I want, When is timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine, I am the clansman... Freedom

No, no we can't let them take anymore, No we can't let them take anymore
We've the land of the free, Freedom

It's a time wrough with fear, It's a land wrough with change
Ancestors could hear, What is happening now
They would turn in their graves, They would all be ashamed
That the land of the free, Has been written in chains

And I know what I want, When is timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine, I am the clansman... Freedom

由左至右:BASS Steve Harris, Vocal Bruce Dickinson, Drums Nicko McBrain

Sign Of The Cross

詞曲:[Steve Harris]  
Eleven saintly shrouded men
Silhouettes stand against the sky
One in front with a cross held high
Come to wash my sins away

Standing alone in the wind and rain
Feeling the fear that is growing
Sensing the change in the tide again
Caught by the storm that is brewing
Feel the anxiety hold off the fear
Some of the doubt in the things you beleive
Now that your faith will be put to the test
Nothing to do but await that is coming

Why then is god still protecting me
Even when I don't deserve it
Thought I am blessed with an inner strenght
Some they would call it a penance
Why am I meant to face this alone
Asking the question time and again
Praying to god won't keep me alive
Inside my head feel the fear start to rise...

They'll be saying their prayers when the moment comes
There'll be penace to pay when it's judgement day
And the guilty'll be bleedwhen that moment comes
They'll be coming to claim, take your soul away

The sign of the cross
The name of the rose, a fire in the sky
The sign of the cross

They'll bve coming to bring the eternal flame
They'll be bringing us all immortality
Holding communion so the world be blessed
My creator, my god'll lay my soul to rest

The sign of the cross
The name of the rose, a fire in the sky
The sign of the cross

Lost the love of father above
Chose the lust of the earth below
Eleven saintly shrouded men
Come to wash my sins away

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