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Dilemma's logo on the front of this CD has a halo over the "d" and the "a" at the end finishes in a devil's pointed tail. And the picture of the group, Rahela Abbas, Christine Chang, Denise Shepherd, Suzanna Smith and Tracey Van Hooser, portrays the five women looking at us in a "What are you looking at" kind of way. Dilemma, who we enjoyed at last year's Harmony Sweepstakes Bay Area Regional, have come into their power! 13 songs, of which two, "Wishing" and "Crucial" are originals: The Temptations' "Can't Get Next to You," "Can't Take My Eyes Off You," Donna Summer's kick-ass "Hot Stuff," "It Hurt So Bad," "Song for a Winter's Night," "I'm Beginning to See the Light," "The Sweetest Thing" (Tell Him), "That I Would Be Good," "Hit Me With Your Best Shot," "Don't Leave Me This Way" and "We'll Be Together." Very strong vocal percussion keeps Dilemma's sound cooking, and allows the voices to go off of the melody and play. Strong arrangements and affirmative song selection, and a willingness to let go and take chances all add up to a breakthrough CD. But angels or devils? A little taste of both!

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好像是在告訴我一切OK..Don't worry!!...........看到整個心情爽阿>O<

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Corrinne May
Corrinne May在美國受到矚目是因為參加了由Babyface及大衛佛斯特發起的網路歌曲創作比賽的活動,除了得到優勝頭銜,並因此結識了Carole King,之後其許多作品即是與此位一起創作.目前共發行了兩張專輯,她的第一張專輯"Fly Away"台灣有代理,第二張"Safe in A Crazy World"就無人代理了,十分可惜~其實她的優質歌聲真的值得更多的掌聲。

Written by Corrinne May Ying Foo
Copyright 2004, Corrmay Gourmet Music (ASCAP)

I see the morning glory
It winds upon the tree
It tells the untold story of how things were meant to be
You saw the universe
Caught up in desperate dreams
You came and changed the ending
Changed it to save my fate
You led the revolution
You left your legacy
Embraced the struggle
in the face of mortality
I know I'm not alone in this
Help me believe

I can be free
I can be free from this place
Beautiful healer
Beautiful grace
Help me to see
Everything fall into place
Wake me from dreaming
No more deceiving
Break these chains

It's still the same old story
This great divide
Between the want and waste
And all the hunger inside
I heard the news today
Now I'm trying to find my place
I'm just a single voice
What can I do to erase

All this misunderstanding
All this anarchy
Six degrees of separation
Sometimes it's so hard to see
That we are not alone in this
I need to believe

I can be free
I can be free from this place
Beautiful healer
Beautiful grace
Help me to see
Everything fall into place
Wake me from dreaming
No more deceiving
Break these chains

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Dragostea din tei

Ma-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu
Ma-I-A Ho, Ma-I-A Ha-Ha

Alo, Salut...
Sunt Eu Un.....Haiduc
Si Te Rog, Iubirea Mea
Primeste Fericirea
Sunt Eu, Picasso
Ti-Am Dat Beep
Si Sunt Voinic
Dar Sa Stii, Nu-Ti Cer Nimic

Vrei Sa Pleci
Dar Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei

Chipul Tau Si Dragostea Din Tei,
Imi Amintesc De Ochii Tai

Vrei Sa Pleci
Dar Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei

Chipul Tau Si Dragostea Din Tei,
Imi Amintesc De Ochii Tai

Te Sun....Sa-Ti Spun......
Ce Simt Acum

Alo, Iubirea Mea
Sunt Eu, Fericirea

Sunt Iarasi Eu......Picasso

Ti-Am Dat Beep
Si Sunt Voinic
Dar Sa Stii, Nu-Ti Cer Nimic

Vrei Sa Pleci
Dar Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei

Chipul Tau Si Dragostea Din Tei,
Imi Amintesc De Ochii Tai

Vrei Sa Pleci
Dar Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei

Chipul Tau Si Dragostea Din Tei,
Imi Amintesc De Ochii Tai

Ma-I-A Hi, Ma-I-A Hu
Ma-I-A Ho, Ma-I-A Ha-Ha

Vrei Sa Pleci
Dar Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei

Chipul Tau Si Dragostea Din Tei,
Imi Amintesc De Ochii Tai

Vrei Sa Pleci
Dar Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei
Nu Ma, Nu Ma, Nu Ma Iei

Chipul Tau Si Dragostea Din Tei,
Imi Amintesc De Ochii Tai

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夜晚、他在坦克車裡寫下全英5週冠軍曲You're beautiful
他是2005年最輝煌的音樂傳奇---上尉詩人 詹姆仕.布朗特
You're Beautiful


You're Beautiful

My life is brilliant.
My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Flying high, [ - video/radio edited version]
Fucking high, [ - CD version]
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

『一位重要且有才華的歌手已來臨』…Q雜誌 ****
『充滿深度的現代音樂英雄』…Amazon UK網站
『James Blunt製造愛的氣息而不是戰爭』…Guardian

「倫敦地鐵爆炸案後隔一天我認識這個聲音!英雄是時勢造出來的嗎?還是你創造出的一根漂流木?在沉淪的時刻足以挽救你,像他歌裡的天使,在地鐵站凝望你,保護你的心。我要推薦這張唱片,聆聽的感覺是一場奇妙的經驗」…歌手 陳綺貞

「James Blunt他的歌聲 彷彿有一種魔力 勾起我們淡淡的感傷 若有似無的愁悵絕讚的專輯 5顆星星滿分推薦」…HITFM 活力DJ 阿娟

「早就過了胡亂憂傷掉眼淚的年紀了,但是 James Blunt就是有那個辦法讓你掉淚。可以簡單的就用他的聲音打動你,光是聽到第一句:「My life is brilliant」應該就可以讓很多人痛哭流涕了吧!第一次聽到他的歌 You're beautiful,出現了一種莫名的感傷,從他的聲音,從他的旋律,從他表達的方式,就是這麼簡單。」…Hit FM Love DJ Christine 福怡

「就像許多善於結合文字,音符與歌聲的前輩一樣,James Blunt在指尖彈著滑動著撥弄著生活中,許多過了就忘但捕捉下來就很深刻的火光。詞藻不見得華麗,但字裡行間都是暖呼呼的真摯,佐以高明的寫歌技巧,以及自然的嗓音,敲著跟他有著相近頻率的心。」…HIT FM 馬路DJ Elsa

「單憑那以鋼琴伴奏、頗有經典氣味的壓軸曲No Bravery,便已說明當下的James Blunt現象,未來還很多可期待。」… hitoradio.com編輯主任/ Hit FM DJ 小樹

「簡單的不可思議 卻又澎湃的感動不已 名製作人Linda Perry已經幫樂壇挖到一個下屆葛萊美得主絕對的經典Debut專輯!」 … Wave Radio DJ 克里斯

「濃郁的情感是JAMES BLUNT最吸引人的地方,偶而一些聲音沙啞的處理完全不修飾也感覺得出他成熟的魅力,2005年英國歌壇最佳新進男歌手可以說是非JAMES BLUNT莫屬。」
…飛碟南台灣之聲 資深DJ袁永興

「他就如同我們這些小人物,在這煩惱爆炸的空間裡,帶著小小的感動與自我排解的幽默過生活,而這些可貴的元素都放在他的音樂裏。」…資深樂評人 馬欣

「不同的日子裡,我們都有不同的體驗。不安於室,讓我們沉靜地體認,音樂帶給我們在生活上,甚至是超乎生活上的感動。在這張專輯裡,要挑出一首你最愛的一首歌,是不可能的,因為在這張專輯裡,所有的歌曲都是一種可能,都是一種體認。」… Timothy Nathan Joel.(愛畫提姆)

「坐在公司的視聽間裡聆聽James Blunt,整個人被他的聲音環繞著,心就像被漣漪般一圈圈擴散的振幅給震碎了一層角質,漸漸露出柔軟的本質,James的音樂無形中給予了現代人一種珍貴的音樂療效。」…《AV CHOICE視聽玩家雜誌》副主編徐衍珮

「我的人生經歷是我的創作泉源。」當James Blunt在被問到自己的創作靈感時,他會給你這樣的答覆,這或許是每一位創作型的歌手在被問到同樣問題時千篇一律的標準答案,但是,當你知道他的成長背景,你就會知道他為什麼會想把人生經歷寫成一首首的歌,因為,他有個不尋常的人生,一個讓他不得不動筆把自己的所見所聞用歌聲抒發的人生,他的歌聲讓我們聽見了60年代敘事民謠歌手用歌聲記錄自己對週遭事物的感觸所產生的感動,一種未過度渲染浪漫的心情分享。

追溯James Blunt的血緣,你會發現他的家族血脈相承,擁有近百年投身軍旅的傳統,大學畢業後,在老爸的逼迫下,他加入軍隊,他最後升到上尉,並成為第一個派遣到科索沃的英國軍官,領導三萬人的和平部隊。2002年,Blunt毅然放棄軍旅生涯,決定當個歌手,2003年9月,他遠赴洛杉磯,與Tom Rothrock [*Beck、Elliott Smith、Badly Drawn Boy]、Linda Perry [*Gwen Stefani]展開專輯的錄製,他白天錄歌,晚上就跑到酒吧,與別人分享自己的人生故事,後來,這些故事就成了一首首具有宿命色彩的歌,像專輯裡的結束曲 "No Bravery" ,是他在99年在科索沃的軍營中,親眼目睹血淋淋的科索沃內戰後,在寂靜的午夜時分所寫下的歌。

Blunt的歌聲就跟他的鋼琴指法一樣沉重,感慨的紀錄這歷史的傷痛,雖然,Blunt的歌不全然都這樣的嚴肅,但卻都是相當扣人心弦的,像是紀錄著難以忘情、怦然心動的情感小品 "You're Beautiful" 就把愛情世界裡的偶然、巧合與失落表達得十分動人,他的經紀人[*同時也是Elton John的經紀人]稱讚這首歌是『21世紀版的 "Your Song" 』,仔細聽著整張專輯,還真會讓人懷念起Elton John剛出道時的樂風,製作人Tom Rothrock則認為Blunt就像是英國樂界足以與Beck、Elliott Smith相抗衡的創作型歌手。James Blunt不想花太多時間解釋每首歌的故事,只希望聽者能從他的歌曲中找到人生旅程中的某些段落所會擁有的感覺,一份感同身受的奇妙感覺。

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克雷格大衛 - The Story Goes 音樂進化論 2005

演唱歌手:Craig David
音樂專輯名稱:The Story Goesbbs

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-Let Me Love You全美流行榜九週冠軍情歌,超越亞瑟小子Yeah刷新全美電台點播歷史紀錄
-音樂教父Clive Davis繼魔力紅後2005的秘密武器
-集合亞瑟小子、碧昂絲、五角、艾莉西亞凱斯等超強製作群,專輯空降全美R & B專輯榜亞軍
-收錄與饒舌硬漢Jadakiss和T.I.合作Let Me Love You混音版本

  如果將Usher去年的風光看成是黑人青年的絕地大反攻,搶回先前讓賈斯汀(Justin Timberlake霸佔好一陣子的R & B新王子寶座,只怕這戰爭不但沒有休兵跡象,還將愈演愈烈。後者自偶像樂團超級男孩轉型單飛,驚人展現他模仿Michael Jackson的絕學,與本來便很有Michael Jackson接班人姿態的Usher 自然形成一種競爭態勢,沒想到Usher這「New King Of R & B」尚未坐熱,年方18歲的Mario隨即出手嗆聲,以新單曲〈Let Me Love You〉創下一億八千五百萬人次的聽眾收聽紀錄,成功刷新了Usher〈Yeah〉的1億7千兩百八十萬人次,榮登樂史新高。或許你要問,誰是Mario?何以這傢伙有這般魅力與能耐?

  千萬別當他是個唱片工業趁Usher大賣之際,投機推出的跟風藝人?其實他11歲即在家鄉巴爾的摩當地的選秀會被發掘,來到紐約遇見Clive Davis,在這位資深製作人的培植下幾乎已經可以預見一位新星的誕生。2002年前正式出道,單曲〈Just a Friend〉立刻在流行 / 節奏藍調榜上掀起一股小旋風,首張同名專輯亦順利賣出金唱片佳績。

  潛沉多年後,這位如今18歲,儼然已是新世代黑人型男的少年再次出擊,新專輯《Turning Point》一如其名,除了有石破天驚的新單曲〈Let Me Love You〉一舉打出新天下之外,該曲製作人、亦是Beyonce / The Roots幕後製作大將的Scott Storch與年僅24歲的Hip Hop / R & B搶手製作新才子Ron Feemstar(Dr. Dre、Eminem與Mary J. Blige等)掌舵了全輯走向,宣告Mario收成這些年努力的成果,讓世人驚見他全然成熟大氣的一線巨星態勢。為Toni Braxton、Brian McKnight坐鎮過的名家Harvey Mason Jr. 與Damon Thomas聯手寫下Tyrese金曲〈I Like Them Girls〉之後,再次替Mario譜出勾人情傷的〈How Could You〉;頗有玩興的Dancehall / Reggae曲〈Girl I Need〉則展現他流暢誘人R&B風情之外的新面向;取樣The Isley Brothers〈You Walk Your Way〉而成的〈Nikes Fresh Out The Boxes〉,將女孩與耐吉球鞋相比,洩漏他仍十分青少年的氣質。其中,自然不能遺漏由接連打造出Usher / Ciara橫掃全球排行王座的金手指Lil'Jon堪稱三部曲的傑作〈Boom〉。



Mmmm ..... Mmmmm.... Yeah....Mmmmm....Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Mmmm...Yeah....Mmmm..... Yeah, Yeah

Verse 1:

Baby I just don't get it
Do you enjoy being hurt?
I know you smelled the perfume, the make-up on his shirt
You don't believe his stories
You know that they're all lies
Bad as you are ,you stick around and I just don't know why

If I was ya man baby you
Never worry bout what I do
I'd be coming home back to you
Every night, doin' you right
You're the type of woman deserves good thangs
Fist full of diamonds hand full of rings
Baby you're a star I just want to show you,you are


You should let me love you
Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Baby good love and protection
Make me your selection
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you

Verse 2:

Your true beauty's description looks so good that it hurts
You're a dime plus ninety-nine and it's a shame
Don't even know what you're worth
Everywhere you go they stop and stare
Cause you're bad and it shows
From your head to your toes, Out of control, baby you know

If I was ya man baby you
Never worry bout what I do
I'd be coming home back to you
Every night doin' you right
You're the type of woman deserves good thangs
Fist full of diamonds hand full of rings
Baby you're a star I just want to show you, you are


You should let me love you
Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Ooh Baby good love and protection
Make me your selection
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me....


You deserve better girl you know you deserve better
We should be together girl baby
With me and you it's whatever girl, hey!
So can we make this thing ours?


You should let me love you
Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Baby good love and protection
Make me your selection
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you

repeat til it ends (about 3 times)

Mario (talking:)
Let me love you that's all you need baby

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Natalie, a native of Houston, struck a chord with lovesick teenagers and pop fans via her wistful first single, "Goin' Crazy." The young Latina's self-titled debut disc proves she's no one-trick pony. The album is filled with pleasant pop hooks and light hip-hop touches that should find a comfortable home amid the sounds of Jennifer Lopez, Amerie, Ciara, and Destiny's Child. Natalie's voice is light and airy, but it works well amid the album's sugary lyrics and conveys just the right sense of girlish emotion. "Energy" is a smooth, summery duet with Baby Bash; "Better Get It Right" rides a groove that seems to draw inspiration from 1980s rock hits; and "I Can't Wait" is a modernized remake of the snappy Nu Shooz hit. Former Vi3 heartthrob and Making the Band finalist Justin Ronan also pops up during "Where Are You," a sweet puppy-love duet. This is hardly a groundbreaking affair, but it does position Natalie as a strong talent with lots of pontential and just the latest diva (Destiny's Child, Brooke Valentine) to break out of Houston's bustling music scene. --Joey Guerra

Natalie ~ Energy feat. Baby Bash

[Baby Bash]
Energy, digging on your energy
Energy, digging on your energy
Energy, digging on your energy. energy

[Chorus 2x]
Boy, I'm digging on your energy (Energy)
And I'm digging what you telling me (Telling me)
So I wrote this little melody (Melody)
And dedicate it to my favorite lover

[Verse 1 - Natalie]
I'm lying in bed
There's thoughts in my head
I'm thinking bout you
Over and over and over and over again
What can I tell you, you got me so twisted
Tossing and turning
Over and over and over and over again
So I wrote a song tonight (Tonight)
You weren't begging me to write (To write)
Tell me is it cool tonight (Tonight)
To don't know what's on my mind

[Chorus 2x]
Boy, I'm digging on your energy (Energy)
And I'm digging what you telling me (Telling me)
So I wrote this little melody (Melody)
And dedicate it to my favorite lover

[Verse 2 - Baby Bash]
Rain and shine sleet and snow
Couldn't stop the way we flow
Welcome to my miracle
And I'm digging on your lyrical
Your melody is my remedy
Squeeze to my Hennessey
The one to call when I'm sipping for
With the candy coated Tennessee
Just make a wish.
And let's make it a fish with your boy Baby Bash with some heavenly bliss
Because your kisses on my lips, girl I'm ready to roll
With so vicious and bubblicious, the energy's throwed

[Chorus 2x]
Boy, I'm digging on your energy (Energy)
And I'm digging what you telling me (Telling me)
So I wrote this little melody (Melody)
And dedicate it to my favorite lover

[Verse 3 - Natalie]
Boy, you know that I dig you
I fell in love when I met you
I love the way you make me feel
Your energy is something real (Fa. sho.)
Boy, I love the way (I love the way)
You make me feel (You make feel)
Is something bout you loving me
Can't do without your energy

[Chorus 2x]
Boy, I'm digging on your energy (Energy)
And I'm digging what you telling me (Telling me)
So I wrote this little melody (Melody)
And dedicate it to my favorite lover

[Baby Bash]
Energy, digging on your energy
Energy, digging on your energy
Energy, digging on your energy. energy

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Jesse McCartney ~ She's no you

They got a lotta girls who know they got it going on
But nothings ever a comparison to you
Now can't you see that you're the only one I really want?
And everything I need is everything you do

Any girl walk by, don't matter
Cause you're lookin' so much better
Don't ever need to get caught up in jealousy

She can be a supermodel, every magazine, the cover
She'll never ever mean a thing to me

She's no you, oh no!
You give me more than I could ever want
She's no you, oh no!
I'm satisfied with the one I got
Cause you're the girl that I ever dreamed
She's only a picture on a magazine
She's no you
She's no you

They got a lot of girls who dance in all the videos
But I prefer the way you do, the way you move
You're more than beautiful and I just want to let you know
That all I ever need is what I got with you

Any girl walk by, don't matter
Every time you're lookin better
I think you're perfect there ain't nothing I would change

She can be a supermodel, every magazine would cover
She'll never ever take my heart away

She's no you, oh no!
You give me more than I could ever want
She's no you, oh no!
I'm satisfied with the one I got
Cause you're the girl that I ever dreamed
She's only a picture on a magazine
She's no you
She's no you

And no one's ever gonna get to me, oh
The way you do, now baby can't you see?
That you're the one, the only one, who's ever made me feel this way
And nothing's ever comin' even close, no
No one's ever been comparable to you
oh ohaoha, oh yeah

I don't want nothin' I don't got
I don't need nothin’ but you
I can't get more than you give me
So don't stop anything you do
You're all that, all that and then some
You know what, just what I need
And no girl, no place, no where
Could mean a thing to me

She's no you, oh no!
You give me more than I could ever want
She's no you, oh no!
I'm satisfied with the one I got
Cause you're the girl that I ever dreamed
She's only a picture on a magazine
She's no you (she’s no you, girl)
She's no you

She's no you
(They got a lotta girls who know they got it going on)
You give me more than I could ever want
She's no you
(Now can't you see that you're the only one I really want?)
I'm satisfied with the one I got
Cause you're all the girl that I ever dreamed
She's only a picture on a magazine
She's no you
(And she’s, no you)
She's no you

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Tears In Heaven -- Eric Clapton  (現場版本)

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong
And carry on,
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven.

Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven?
I'll find my way
Through night and day,
'Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven.

Time can bring you down,
Time can bend your knees.
Time can break your heart,
Have you begging please, begging please.

Beyond the door,
There's peace I'm sure,
And I know there'll be no more
Tears in heaven.

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong
And carry on,
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven.

說起Eric Clapton, 一定會想起他的另一名作Tears in Heaven.這首歌為他奪得格林美6個獎項. 

說說唱唱學英文"網站對本曲有以下介紹: (以下節錄自"說說唱唱學英文"網站:)

Eric Clapton在西洋樂壇素有"吉他之神"的美譽,五十多歲方育得一子,然造化弄人,稚齡愛子竟從紐約數十層高的公寓陽台意外摔下身亡,艾氏傷痛之餘,寫下此曲,以紀念亡兒。從這首歌的歌詞我們可以深深體會到他的悲傷,他甚至想要跟著他的兒子去天堂,想像著他們可以在天堂相遇,但是他還是告訴自己要堅強,因為他現在還不屬於天堂....


看過他現場表演此曲的人, 從他滄桑無奈的聲調及眼神中, 一定會相信, 
Eric Clapton寧願放棄這首歌帶給他的一切名利, 也希望換回他兒子的性命.

Would you know my name....if I saw you in heaven?

Would it be the same....if I saw you in heaven?

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